Monday, December 29, 2008

Bye Bye Bush Bash!

For family, friends and tolerably behaved friends of said within driving distance of St. Petersburg, mark your calendars for the evening of January 24th. It's the first Saturday after the Inauguration, because who has a party on a Tuesday?

Enjoy a hand-mixed libation or two. Wolf down moderately tasty hors d'oeuvres, then throw them up on the trampoline. Or try your luck at the shoe toss and maybe win a prize.* And yes, the disco ball should be operational. Fireworks to chase off late nighters and faint of heart.

Don't anger the Tiki Gods! Be there. Starting at 6pm. Contact Eric for directions, advice or whatnot.

* Disclaimer- prizes may be limited to more hors d'oeuvres.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa's Slide

Dear Travis,

Well my old friend, we've nearly wrapped up another one. How's your behavior been this year? Will old St. Nick be in a jolly mood when he slides down your chute this winter? Or will you awaken to a stocking full of coal? I myself wouldn't mind. Price of coal is up, and practical gifts are en vogue this season. A last minute blitzkrieg of penitence is one way to go if you're not so inclined.

I already know what gifts I'll be receiving from the family this year, having bought and stashed them out in the shed myself for the little woman to wrap. A tractor battery and a bottle opener. Granted the bottle opener is made to look just like a Craftsman tool, so my sense of childlike wonder isn't completely dead. The only wild card of course is the fat man in red.

I feel that Santa is getting cynical in his old age. Guess that's what happens when you spend your days holed up in a snowed-in compound with no one to talk to but "elves". I can partly relate. Can you imagine that guy by the time December finally rolls around and he's got a case of cabin fever that would put Jack Torrance to shame? Nothing to do day in and day out but downing Cheese-Whiz and scotch and playing William Tell with the reindeer in his long johns.

Last Yule the bunker must have caught him on the tail end of his miraculous jaunt. Whether he was slap-happy with exhaustion or worn ragged from too many trucker's pep pills I'll never know. I was feigning sleep as I could feel him standing over me, whispering dirty jokes into my ear. His breath brought a tear to my eye, but I dared not move out of pure terror. A dead man couldn't have slept through his crude, giggling antics. He tripped over the rug as he was stealing away and put a fist through my closet door. He swore like a longshoreman.

After I was sure he was gone I looked under the tree. A menacing puddle beneath it reeked vaguely of urine and vomited cookies. Fighting nausea I picked up a partly crushed box wrapped in ragged comic pages. Inside was a collection of factory second blouses from The Fashion Bee. At first I figured there'd been a mix up, but everything was a perfect fit and my initials had been stitched hurriedly into each piece. I guess I'm obliged to be thankful. The poor, poor bastard. The War on Christmas is warranted.

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

74 year old injured imitating stunt from “Jackass”

Birmingham, AL- Longtime Meadowlake nursing home resident and retired engineer Laurel Anderson was hospitalized Thursday after sustaining injuries to his back and head, the result of a crash on his 3-wheeled motorized scooter.

According to witnesses, Mr. Anderson had built a crude ramp consisting of a plywood board and a tall pile of bricks. The ramp had been placed at the bottom of a steep incline, behind which fellow Meadowlake resident Clive Buckner, 79, had laid. Although he successfully cleared both the ramp and Mr. Buckner, the 74 year-old Anderson lost control of the scooter upon landing, flipping over the handlebars.

“We’re just happy he’s still alive” said Anderson’s son Richard Anderson. “I don’t know what he was thinking, but we’re very disappointed.” Mr. Anderson (Jr.) expressed concern that the event was rumored to have been filmed by other residents at the home. “Surely someone should have stood up and seen this was a bad idea” he said. Police report that when they arrived at the scene, a large crowd of nursing home residents scattered back inside.

One nursing home resident believes the men probably got the idea from Buckner’s visiting grandson, who often described to them stunts from “Jackass”, the 2002 MTV film depicting outlandish, often crude stunts.

A spokesman for Lark Industries, makers of the Rascal Sport model used by Mr. Anderson, said that although their manuals clearly illustrate the safe use of their scooters, such accidents have become an increasingly common trend. “Right after Jackass, we were getting 4 or 5 calls a month from customers curious if there was a way to speed up their scooters” said Norm Jabowski.

“Now the big thing is customization- air horns, extra batteries, custom rims” added Jabowski. “And from time to time you get one of these daredevils trying to relive their youth. Unfortunately when you have seniors pent-up with nothing to do all day, this can be the result.”

In one of the film’s scenes, cast members had themselves disguised as elderly men before taking to the streets and performing a number of dangerous stunts on similar scooters. “What Mr. Anderson failed to understand” said Jabowski, “is not only are those guys in a lot better shape than he is, they were also riding souped-up Cyclone Turbos.”

According to Jabowski, the Cyclones are known commonly in the industry as ‘the Cadillac’ of personal mobility scooters.

Ordinarily, the top speed of most scooters is 4-8 mph. Preliminary results from the investigation indicate that Mr. Anderson’s scooter had to have been traveling at more than 20 mph to have cleared the jump as he did. Jabowski says that although frowned upon by more reputable dealers, a few shops are willing to radically alter a scooter’s drive train to achieve speeds higher than 30 mph.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Dear Wal-Mart Trampler

I've never understood the psyche of the mad-rush shopper. Never could fathom why anyone would be so frantic for a store to take their money that they'd wake even before the guy who makes the donuts to stand in a windblown parking lot waiting for the doors to open. But to each his own. Me, I wouldn't do it even if they were giving the stuff away for free. Want to know why? Because I'd have to stand next to hundreds of people like you.

What does the name Jdimytai Damour mean to you? You didn't know him long. Just maybe a second or two as he passed beneath your feet, I'd understand if you didn't catch the name tag on his smock. He was the poor schmuck you and a trainload of coffee-fueled bargain hunters with nothing better to do than stand in line for hours at fucking Wal-Mart smashed beneath your eager, prancing feet. As you helped shove the crowd further into the depths of cheap flat screens and half-priced Larry the Cable Guy DVDs, did you consider what that figure curled into the fetal position beneath your Adidas might be thinking? My hope is he was planning to haunt you throughout his afterlife.

I don't blame the store. I don't blame the economy. I don't blame human nature. I blame you, and hope that some of my voodoo finds you as you fondle your bargains, safe back at home untrampled.

May every other driver out there cut you off, may you get lousy parking spaces. When you do find a good space may your car be the target of every bird within a 5 mile radius, and may it be berry season. May everything be one size too small, and may you not find any of the receipts. May you be the one to step in the gum, and may your cell phone's battery die just when you need it most. May you find yourself lost and alone in Newark after dark, and may no one offer to give you directions. May they stop making your favorite brand of cereal and may you suffer a lifetime of severe dandruff, acne, and halitosis. May you get passed over for promotion time after time, and may you lose your hair. May you never shed that last 10 pounds, and may all your classmates at the reunion notice your decline. May the last ticket be sold to the person just in front of you, and may your umbrella always do the thing where it flips backward and breaks in the wind. May you forget where your keys are daily, and may you never find Waldo. May your steak be tough and may your beer be warm. May you be the reason for so many warnings on fireworks and may that ringing in your ears never completely go away. May a disorder be named after you, and may a cure be found shortly after you succumb to it. May you never be let off with a warning and may your attempts at various hobbies fail miserably. May your parents leave all their estate to charity, and may your fifteen minutes of fame be during the local crime report.

May Santa stuff coal in your stocking. Preferably he'll set it ablaze as you doze this Christmas eve. Happy holidays.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Charlie Brown Finds Snoopy's Stack of Playbeagles

In an embarrassing turn of events for local beagle and beloved cartoon character Snoopy, a hidden stash of Playbeagle magazines was discovered while cleaning out the pooch's doghouse for renovations.

Charlie Brown, his owner of many years, found the soft-core dog based magazines Thursday behind a set of the dog's golf clubs. The entire Brown family was present when the illicit discovery was made. “Snoopy must have forgotten this was the day we were fixing his house. Boy was his face red.”

Playbeagle's cover hails itself as “Premiere Entertainment for the discerning male dog”. Despite Snoopy's argument that he had forgotten about the collection, an issue as recent as September 2008 topped the stack, featuring Paris Hilton's chihuahua in a revealing pose. “It was disgusting” Brown said of the cover, which depicted the immaculately groomed puppy licking her own privates.

Snoopy defended his love of the publication for its articles and interviews. The September issue featured Brian from Family Guy mixing his favorite cocktails and a photo expose of “Hollywood's Best Bitchez!”.

“Yeah, real deep stuff” Brown said. “Explaining them to Sally was a bit awkward” he added, referring to his younger sister. “She kept asking why the little doggies were all sticking their bums up.”

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Want to Swear Like Colonel Potter

For a long time now I've harbored a secret desire. One that I thought made me “different” or “mildly eccentric”. But I've come to the realization that we all chart different courses through this great maelstrom that is life, and have decided to suppress my natural desires no more. I want to swear like Colonel Potter.

Yes, that beloved fogey of the small, olive drab screen as played by our esteemed friend Harry Morgan. How I long for that man's mastery of the colorful simile, his conjuring of metaphors so beloved and folksy you can't help but smile at their hearing. Even if they are cleverly telling you where you can place your head, in opposition to all accepted anatomical teachings.

If you tell me a falsehood, I will argue your story “has more holes in it than mother’s truss”. And I will abandon the profane sailor's tongue I've grown over the years, adopting instead a scolding yet familial Potterific. Instead of lazily resorting to one of the four-letter standards, I will concoct such beloved gems as “Great St. Stephens!” and “Good gravy on the Mountaintop!” Or even “Heavenly horse manure!”, if the situation warrants such verbal excess.

And just imagine the ability to coin colorful new expressions implying fecal matter at the drop of a hat. You will no longer be full of crap, but rather of pelican pellets. Or nightingale nuggets. Or crocodile cookies. Or mouse muffins. How endearing to turn a crude expression into one that not only amuses but makes you vaguely hungry as well.

And this new world won't be limited to swearing, but could expand to the everyday mundane. From this day forth I shall never again call anyone on the phone, but instead “raise 'em on the horn”. Bathroom stops will be now known as “trips to the old governor's office” or “going on a bombing run”. No becomes “Negatori”, and yes translates to “You're darn tootin, greenhorn”!
Great Neptune's Trident, there are more possibilities than fleas in a yard-full of aging bloodhounds!

At first my friends may be put off by my new Potterian persona. The first time someone asks if you're “one mule shy of a wagontrain” can throw you for a loop. But in the long run, I think they'll come around to my brand of word craft. I ask you, who can resist the adorable allure of a good barnyard aphorism? Or an ingenious turnip-based insult? No one with sense enough to appreciate the finer things in life I tell you.

So the next time you see me, be sure to ask about the weather. I'll be glad to tell you what type of animal will be raining from the sky, or how your toes will be reacting to the bite of the cold, or what the heat will be doing to your crotch. Chances are my reply will have more shine on it than a brand new penny.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Operator Less Than Thrilled

WICHITA- American Express call center operator Sally Jamison was less than thrilled today to help resolve a billing issue for a cardholder returning from a three week vacation in the south of France. Coworkers report Ms. Jamison aged 20, expressed a sub-stellar attitude when verbally abused by a valued customer who discovered an erroneous extra charge on his statement. For some reason Ms. Jamison, was heard to sigh audibly when confirming that the duplicate $5.00 foreign transaction fee on Mr. Lambright’s American Express Black statement occurred on the 13th as a result of his purchase of six iPhones for each of his family members prior to their hot air balloon tour of the southern Alps.

Jamison went on to defend her English speaking skills to the client, choosing not to reveal she had run out of sick days for the year, and had to work in spite of being unable to hear from her left ear or speak for thirty seconds without a need to violently discharge phlegm. Ms. Jamison refrained from boring the patient cardholder with the fact that her illness was most likely the result of waiting for the bus in the rain, as the engine in her 1984 Corolla had recently spun a bearing. After erasing the fee and apologizing, Ms. Jamison was scarcely able to muster any excitement in reminding Mr. Lambright that he had accrued enough points for his choice of a 5-day Caribbean cruise or a jet ski.

Shortly after being hung up on, Ms. Jamison found little solace in the discovery that her Hot Pocket had been stolen from the break room freezer again.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Comedians and Repo-men Nationwide Mourn the Passing of Sarah Palin's Relevance

Amid the celebrations and cries of relief resounding across America Tuesday night, the mood of two of its hardest working groups was more somber. Comedians and Repo-men have crossed the blue/white collar divide to band together, giving each other solace as they lament the rejection of the McCain/Palin ticket.

Comedians from John Stewart down to lowly, wannabe comedy bloggers are coming to grips with the fact that the next four years will be distinctly harder to poke fun at. “She was a gold mine, I had plans to put in a pool” says Archie White, a writer for Comedy Central. “We were gonna give it a Palin theme, with an Elitists Only end and a Real Americans Only end. So many opportunities lost forever. We had reams of material ready, enough to last us past Christmas at least.”

The loss of such guaranteed job security was echoed by Rodney Page, owner/proprietor of Page Auto Recovery in San Bernardino. “You might say I'm one of them, 'by-your-own-bootstraps' kind of fellas. People should be left to barely survive or utterly fail on their own. It's a system that's been workin' for me” said a smiling Page, gesturing to his new SuperDuty tow truck with dual DVD players and custom rims.

Page said he is considering expanding into home foreclosures or dog-catching to supplement his income should economic conditions improve too much. “People will always have it tough, least I hope so.”

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain Calls for Return of Hand-Carried Litters for Wealthy

Citing the need for reducing America's dependence on foreign oil and its mounting unemployment figures, presidential hopeful John McCain called for the return of hand-carried litters for the wealthy.

Once the primary means of urban transportation for the landed gentry, the hand litter grew out of fashion with such advancements as human dignity and Lincoln Town Cars.

Governor Palin has been traveling by litter for the past two months and says she loves it. "They've (Palin's bearers) got a hunger for success like the rest of us, why rob them of that opportunity? And you know, it's so much fun to just look out and see their little legs pumping. It reminds me of the dog sleds Todd and I get such a kick out of.”

Asked if he thought the carts demeaning to the carriers McCain fumed "Of course not! I love the four little Chinamen that carry my bulletproof cart! And there's no emissions, well usually not” he laughed, slapping one of the exhausted litter bearers on the back before stopping off for a final rally speech.

“Friends, through hard work our wealthier citizens have earned the ability to travel in style. If there are able-bodied folks out there willing to put in a little good old-fashioned elbow grease to get them from the airport to the Playboy club, what's the problem?”

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Great Payback

Oh this is just great. I give every last one of those damn kids a candy bar, and one of them decides it would be funny to throw a rock through our glass storm door. Watch your feet, dear. Trick or treat? Oh this trick is just Hilarious!

Honey, where's the dust pan? And while you're at it, where's my baseball bat? I'll play ball with the wonderful little sprites! dear I'm not going to do anything drastic. Yeah they're just kids, but dammit look at this mess! I pulled some pranks in my day, but this is over the top. Are we out of Hefty bags? What? No, Hefty bags! You know, the really thick ones. I think they're by the water heater!

Forget Snickers, next year they're getting a jawbreaker each. Those generic ones. Or Bit o' Honey, I'll bet those are cheap. No wait, trick gum! The kind that gets really hot. Oooh boy, next Halloween's gonna be FULL of tricks let me tell you!

Owww! Damned glass. Can you bring me a band-aid too, honey? I can see how that whole razor blade in the candy thing got started. No dear, I'm just joking. Jeez.

What do you mean the rock looks familiar? It's just a rock. You gave one of them a WHAT?! Holy mother of God are you kidding me? The grumpy kid with the flying ace dog and messed up ghost costume? You've been giving him one every year? Why not give him a roll of toilet paper and a can of spray paint while you're at it?

Talk to his mother? And say what? He returned the rock we gave him? A rock! Brilliant. You're the one that should be cleaning this up.

Um, have you seen the cat this morning?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Georgia to Dunk Voter's Heads in Ink

In a number of states this election year, new security measures are being put in place to prevent voter fraud. Photo identification is now being required where it wasn't before, and a strict prohibition is being placed on voters with misspellings on their registration.

While these measures further ensure a voter is who they say they are, some are pushing for even stronger measures to prevent multiple votes from occurring.

A group in Georgia has suggested precincts utilize the same purple ink used in Iraqi elections to designate voters have already cast a ballot, yet they are quick to point out the method used there is far from infallible.

“All someone needs to do is bandage or even heaven forbid, chop off the colored finger and they're free to vote two, three, who knows how many times?!” said Jim McCreevy of the Georgia Board of Elections. McCreevy urges support for HR 22349 which proposes dunking voter's heads in a vat of indelible ink for 30 seconds after they've cast their ballot.

The ink takes up to two weeks to wear away and cannot be washed off with any but the strongest of industrial solvents. Voters are urged to wear old clothing or remove their shirt prior to their dunking.

Critics of the measure denounce it as just another attempt to alienate voters and keep turnout low, questioning how many cases of voter fraud even occur today. But the bill's sponsors including state representative Bob Abbott (pictured) say the tactic is a foolproof if somewhat messy approach.

“One man one vote, and that's it! Let's see them try to pull any of that Chicago-style 'voting' down here in Floyd County!” said Abbott after demonstrating the new Vote-And-Dunk method at a local precinct. “Sweet Jesus, does anyone have a towel?”

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber and Joe Six-pack to Star in Reality Show

HOLLYWOOD- Executives at Fox Studios announced they have signed on for a new reality-based comedy starring Joe Six-pack and Joe the Plumber.

Americans were introduced recently to Joe Wurzelbacher at the third presidential debate on Wednesday. The plight of the affluent plumber became an Internet sensation after John McCain made repeated references to the aspiring Ohio businessman. Fox executives hungry for a hit and hoping to ride election year interest, have placed their bets on pairing him with an average, lazy alcoholic.

In a twist on Neil Simon's Odd Couple, the roles of the two protagonists have been reversed. Joe the Plumber has left his blue collar roots behind for the world of small business ownership. His hard-driving work ethic is sure to clash with his new roommate Joe Six-pack, a white-collar clerical worker by day and slovenly, suds-guzzling slacker by night. It's a dynamic the producers of the show say will keep audiences rocking with laughter and amazement.

The pilot starts with a hilarious segment in which the nouveau riche repairman tries discussing the laissez-faire market approach and a flat tax proposal with his couch dwelling compatriot. He doesn't get far though, as his six-pack buddy is immersed in Miller High Life and the final laps of the Daytona 500. The hijinks continue when a besotted Joe Six-pack wakes Joe the Plumber at two in the morning while racing their riding lawnmower through the back yard flowerbed.

Fox plans to release eight episodes starting in November, with more to come if the show is well received. Check local listings.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Proper Effigy Etiquette

Just a few weeks from now election day will be upon us, and soon afterward slightly less than half the nation will be in mourning while the other half joyously exchanges high fives and goofy grins. If you backed the winning horse your path of celebration is simple- fireworks. Light fuse and stay back, plead the wrappers in vain. But what if you're on the losing team? Do you just sulk in your rec room watching reruns of Magnum PI, thinking your absence from the festivities makes its own statement? Of course not, you need an anti-celebration! Something that says “Yeah I gotta live with it, but I don't gotta be happy about it.” And I've got just the ticket for you.

So what's a fun and fairly benign way to vent frustration at your government or someone else's? How do you show a sniveling CEO you've got their number? I'm talking about the red hot phenomenon that's sweeping the globe- the ancient and noble art of effigy burning!

The first step of course is to get your effigy. Depending on your locale this can be as easy as placing an order with your local effigysmith. In some countries effigy-making is a cottage industry, employing a considerable hunk of the local citizenry. If you're not so fortunate to have such such skilled artisans at your disposal, or you just want to try your hand at handcrafting one yourself, you've come to the right place. Understand that there's a lot more to building an effigy than stapling a sheet to a 2x4 and slapping on some acrylic paint. For an effigy to be a solid performer you'll need sturdy construction and an artistic hand. But don't worry, it's easier than you think!

Your effigy should be free-standing. As cool as you might imagine it would be to wave a burning figure over your head, if there are any synthetic clothes on your figure, it's sure to drop flaming meteors onto anyone unfortunate enough to be under it. Nothing kills a gathering quite like molten polyester in your hair. Also, stuff your effigy with rags rather than newspapers. Newspapers burn too quickly and too messily- the soot can be a nightmare to clean up. For an extra kick of excitement, sprinkle the inner layers with a light dusting of gunpowder. Maybe some M-80's if you're feeling bold. The sudden flash of heat and excitement really gets everyone's attention.

Your next consideration is durability. How long do you want your effigy to burn? Will you and your friends have all afternoon to linger in protest, or do you expect security forces to quickly come down hard on you and your discontented friends? As a rule denim burns longer than linen though not as brilliantly, so dress your dummy accordingly. Your local thrift shop is a gold mine of cheap costume possibilities. If the source of your ire is a Wall Streeter, you can pick up a thread-worn pinstripe from the Salvation Army for a song. For once size doesn't matter! Beat the Halloween rush and get your clothing now.

The most important consideration is your villain's face. You want everyone to recognize the inspiration for your tirade, so make it as lifelike as possible. You'll be tempted to turn it into a caricature but make sure it still bears a strong resemblance, otherwise you'll be reduced to including a named placard and nothing screams out 'amateur' more. Always remember there's nothing wrong with just photoshopping some simple horns onto a photograph of their face. I also like to treat the face with a few sprays of flame retardant, so it's last to go.

So you've got yourself an effigy and you're ready to party. Wait a minute, stow that Zippo! First things first. Let's talk safety. You're going to be burning stuff today, possibly stomping on it for effect. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a well-planned day of effigy burning end in tears because someone got caught up in the fun and carelessly got too close to the action. The photos you see of a burning figure being kicked and swatted at? The smart ones left their robes at home that day and opted for the Levis. Be one of the smart ones. The irony that Levis hail from San Francisco never stopped a Pakistani from protecting his leg hairs from an engulfed Uncle Sam, and it shouldn't stop you. There's no reason not to suit up!

Another important safety consideration too often overlooked is toxic fumes. While an engulfed cotton sweater isn't likely to rob your lungs of too many years of productivity, the carcinogens in that rubber George Bush mask are. Plus with today's wide array of accelerants, you never know what cornucopia of vile molecules you're going to encounter. Our advice is to use a mask. Fortunately you may already be considering one to hide your identity. If so congratulations, you're a step ahead and thinking healthily. Proper breathing protection is well known in more experienced effigy circles. Do you think those scores of Hamas marchers just happen to wear scarves over their mouths by accident? If they simply wanted to hide their identities they could have just worn pantyhose over their heads.*

As with anything there are some courtesy tips we feel it necessary to pass along. If yours is the only effigy at the protest, then you are free to burn it whenever you wish. If however someone else has already torched one, it is considered poor form to ignite yours until theirs has either extinguished or is no longer entertaining the crowd. Don't steal someone else's thunder, they worked just as hard as you did. And don't forget to wait for the media to arrive, so as many people can see your handsome creation go up in just, delicious flames. You did remember to call the newspaper beforehand, right?

Once you burn your first effigy, I think you'll agree there's just no going back to a cardboard sign with a swastika over your nemesis' photo.

* Also preventing this is a long-standing edict by cleric Mohammed al Great-gams declaring such disgraceful use of a female undergarment strictly verboten. Also declared forbidden in the edict- the proper use of female undergarments.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Monkey Could Do Your Job!

As if the specters of unemployment and outsourcing weren't enough of a concern already, now the animal kingdom itself is moving in on the service sector. Forget the vilified Mexican job seeker, everywhere you turn these days some “forward-thinking” businessman is abandoning the human workforce altogether for the cute and novel field of animal labor.

I'm not talking about your traditional concept of the beast of burden, conjuring up images of a mule pulling something through a muddy field or a pen of ravenous pigs devouring the remains of your latest victim. In the ever-expanding quest for new ways to separate fools from their greenbacks, the next big thing is definitely the animal gimmick.

From the moment man discovered that dressing a monkey better than himself and chaining it to a music box could buy his lunch, the animal gimmick has been a mainstay in the entertainment sector. Now the furry (and scaly and slippery) things are eying the hospitality and spa arenas.

It's times like this I wish we hadn't tried to pull the wool over our reader's eyes so many times because this one is true, unless BBC footage is being forged with alarming skill. It seems a restaurant in Japan is employing macaque monkeys to wait paw and tail on their esteemed clientèle, serving up hot towels and cold beers with more skill and finesse than Alex the Dog ever dreamed of. Not only can they fetch a Stroh's, they've mastered the art of the implied tip, gregariously sticking around until the fawning patron ponies up a soybean. But unlike most bartenders don't expect them to listen to your woes. You'll get little pity from a monkey whose highlight each day is a banana dinner and whose sole perk is getting to pinch girl's asses with no recourse other than some embarrassed laughter. Actually it's probably a decent life.

Needless to say, the unions are pissed. Not only do they work for beans, but few of these creatures can read the Fair Employment posters in the break room. Workers of the world, beware. What's next, monkey massage parlors? Those hoping for a happy ending should make sure their 'hostesses' have trimmed claws. Some will say monkeys have nails rather than claws, but this is a distinction I am not willing to make. If you're splitting that hair, chances are you're probably already wondering if they have it in Tijuana.

Once again truth proves stranger than fiction, as a spa in Israel is charging more than you would think they could to have coils of snakes slither over the skin of the tourists. The proprietor hawks it as relaxing, soothing and sensual. I guess it could be sensual in the is-that-a-snake-about-to-slide-down-my-pants kind of sensual, but it seems just shy of coaxing your puppy to lick off the peanut butter.

Or maybe snakes aren't your bag and you'd prefer a pedicure by nibbling fish. You're in luck naturally, this being the wacky world that it is. This Turkish export employs schools of tiny swimmers to strip the dead skin from the tootsies, to the tickled amusement of the tootsies' owners. No doubt Doctor Evil is toying with the idea of replacing them with baby piranhas, just for kicks.

I say we keep the animals in the forests, the oceans and steaming on our dinner plates where they belong. We folks have enough worries without swelling the workforce ten-fold overnight. Particularly when their only costs are a bag of nuts and an occasional de-worming. Who can compete with that? Consider this fair warning to those who've been told a monkey could do their job. Maybe they can.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Let's Do This Here Debate, Whatcha say?

Football is back, there's a cool nip in the air, and just a few short hours from now millions of expectant viewers will tune in hoping to see a train wreck. That must mean it's time for another drinking-based VP debate viewing.

Now I imagine Joe Biden's a good enough guy. But isn't it amazing that a man known for the occasional gaff isn't the one everyone is salivating to hear? For that reason, our buzz words will be Palincentric (sounds like a prehistoric epoch). We at the Bunker make no claim to be either fair or balanced. We just go for the easy, stiletto-clad laugh. And the escapades of Sarah of the Great White North have provided enough low-hanging fruit to feed every man, woman, and child in her state for a week. You have to admit that she brings much of the scorn on herself with all the “my town is smaller than your town” sanctimony and “cavemen raced dinosaurs” controversies. You know what they say about people in glass igloos, Sarah.

Anyhow the potential drinking words are obvious, and I'm sure are being echoed across the blogosphere by countless compatriots as we speak: moose, lipstick, helluva, hockey, small-town values, Washington elite, evildoers, ya know. Or feel free to compose your own list, ours is just an advisory service. But these jokes are already so overused I'm almost too embarrassed to print them. Such is the double-edged sword of such easily reached fruit. So in the interests of sport, I say we up the ante to include any of Marge's quotes from Fargo (
script), even if it's something as simple as "oh yah?". Any of these command you to take no fewer than three drinks. And if by some miraculous crossing of the planets she somehow says "That must be your friend in the wood chipper", every drop in the house must be drained.

I can feel Admiral Stockdale turning in his grave.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ze King of Biers

In case no one else noticed, Budweiser started hawking a new brand of their flavored water ironically named “American Ale”. Ironic in that American Ale hits the shelves just weeks after the ink has dried on the contract to sell the Belgians everything from the Bud girls' swimsuits to the Clydesdale's pooper scoopers. This is bigger than the Japs snatching up Rockefeller Center the last time things got rocky here. Who really cares about Rockefeller Center anyhow? Other than Manhattanites, no one sees it more than five minutes each year when the Christmas tree is fired up, and in the 30 Rock intro if they're paying attention. Forget Gatorade, this is the official drink of football we're talking about here.

About the same time the patriotic-sounding brew hit shelves, the King of Biers also found the need to start calling itself the Great American Lager. Still pitching to that nationalistic crowd. Will rednecks still drink it, or will the Great American Lager find itself pigeonholed as a Blue State libation, as fit for ridicule as a carafe of Bordeaux? Keep it cheap and I wager the marketers will slide this one right on by. If GM is ever bought out by Toyota, you can be sure they'll just play Seger's Like a Rock even louder and never let on what happened.

Not long ago we were filling our britches when a bunch of rich guys from Dubai (a redundant way of saying a bunch of guys from Dubai) wanted the contract to guard our ports. Now we'll be lucky if they don't end up owning the ports. Yes, the Great American Fire Sale is here. The banks will just be first to go. The foreign firms will move in to scoop up what bargains remain after the dust settles. I say first to go, but that's just in this wave. This is a trend that's been building a while now.

The House Republicans didn't want to throw the banks a line because in five weeks they're up for reelection and figured they'd better start tightening the purse strings like they used to in the old days. Fair enough, the deal stunk either way. And I'm still not sure which would be worse, swelling the debt another barely fathomable number, or the fire-and-brimstone/cats-and-dogs-sleeping-together mass hysteria scenario painted by its cheerleaders. But our failure to buy up those soured bank notes does reveal one thing- that we were unwilling to invest in ourselves. We didn't trust Americans to pony up on our own debt. And who could blame us?

There's nothing we like more than borderline-xenophobic rhetoric, something that looks good on a bumper between our other angry stickers. Give us someone to blame, and that overtime to pay for what used to not to need overtime to pay for is just a little easier. But now the blame game has gotten confusing. If I buy American does it help if the company is actually a subsidiary of an offshore holdings corporation with majority of shareholders based in... ah hell, blame me I can take it. None of this can fit on a bumper sticker and people are starting to wonder (too late) if maybe they should have been paying closer attention all along.

We are a nation of tough talk. But aside from our apparent willingness to send our boys and girls off to fight in every corner of the globe, our walk is somewhat lacking of late. Amid all the clamor for having to put our collective shoulders to some imaginary grindstone, along with the politically required praise for the American worker, no one will ever have the guts to say what all that really entails. An earthquake could swallow California whole the same week the Russians decided to drill in ANWR themselves and the first thing to be dismissed out of hand would be a tax hike. Such a silly notion, ever raising a tax. Better to live free and just borrow more money. That's the American way.

A wise man once wrote about the Death of the American Dream. I couldn't find the quote I was searching for, so I'll whip up my own about it instead: No one wants to call the time of death because they won't really know it's happened until they smell the rotting corpse and figure out where the flies were coming from. Authors and historians have been predicting the demise for so long now it seems inevitable, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Late night political discussions seldom end without mention of Rome. And you can't help but wonder if (or more likely when) it happens, what it will look like afterwards. No one can say, but that sound you've been hearing all month was another of its coffin's nails. Don't fret that we might lose our empire, of course we will eventually. But it doesn't have to be as bad as you think, England seems happy enough these days. Of course they drink like a nation of walking fish. My advice is to invest heavily in breweries. Though it looks like someone already thought of that.

The piper is calling, can you hear him? Try to ignore him if you can. Try to cling to guns and Bibles or universal healthcare and gay rights. Either way he's going to collect, and he doesn't care who you blame so long as you keep working until the day you die.

Sorry this one took such a hairpin for the dark side, but life can't always be shits and giggles. My deepest apologies to anyone tricked into thinking we'd actually be talking about beer tonight. Also apologies to The Onion for swiping their Capitol image. It was late and I swear it won't happen again.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

David Blaine to be Horsewhipped 500 Times

NEW YORK- Legendary illusionist David Blaine announced today that he is training for his most grueling and controversial endurance ordeal yet- to be publicly horsewhipped 500 times while riding a unicycle.

Blaine says he has been training himself for months, working on his balance as well as developing a resistance to the excruciating pain sure to come from having one's back flayed open like a gutted trout.

“It's been a dream of mine since I was a boy,” Blaine said in a press statement. “To see if I could do it. It is proving to be my most ambitious challenge yet.”

The magician says he has so far been unable to get accustomed to the swift blows of the birch switch used to whip his back raw. He seldom makes it more than fifty blows before weeping for his trainer to stop. “It takes some getting used to, hopefully I can scar up in time. My physicians tell me the nerve endings may just die before then so that would be helpful.”

Besides toughening up his skin, Mr. Blaine must also master the art of unicycling which he admitted as being “just a gimmick, really”.

Always pushing the envelope, the magician says he may be ready for an even more daring stunt soon after. “It's still in the planning stages, but I'm seriously considering being shot through the heart and undergoing an emergency transplant."
All televised live of course. "I have faith in my team of surgeons, and we are basically waiting for the right donor to become available. There's a waiting list for viable hearts, and I wouldn't want to jump the line.”

Mr. Blaine hopes to bring attention to the need for more organ donors, particularly those being blood type A-negative.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Peter Robbed

GALILEE- Local fisherman and known Christ associate Peter was shocked to find his apartment had been burglarized over the weekend.

“I’d just returned from a weekend trip down the River Jordan with some pals. Some fishing, some wine, you know, good times” said Peter. “Anyway I get back and see my door off its hinges. And I’m like, ‘Jesus, what's this?!’”

“Jesus was with me when I found the place and he really tried to calm me down” Peter admits. “But it’s easy for him to say ‘turn the other cheek’. Things just seem to always go right for that guy, and some of us have to work for a living.”

Reported losses included a jar of figs, robes, assorted fishing nets and tackle, and a several pieces of silver that had been hidden in a hollowed-out piece of fake bread on a shelf. The thieves also carved crude remarks about Peter's mother into the walls with a hammer and chisel.

“Those villains will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven if I have anything to say about it” lamented the anguished Peter.

In a bid of sympathy for his longtime friend, fellow disciple Paul has offered to help Peter get back on his feet, having reportedly come into some money recently.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Bigger Bang

Today marks the day when some marvelously expensive underground experiment beneath the French/Swiss border first fires up. The switch on the fabled and costly Large Hadron Collider was finally flipped. I’m hoping it’s one of those big red buttons with the plastic safety cover over it, like in the movies. One that requires two keys and lots of “Preparing to initiate beam, sir.” “Initiate!”

What’s strange is that no one really knows what is going to happen when it does whatever it is supposed to do. Surely lots of tiny stuff will collide with lots of other tiny stuff at fantastic speeds. After that it’s difficult to explain without lots of charts and chalkboards and a healthy helping of layman-izing to get the paying taxpayers onboard. I had some strange dreams about rocket-powered turtles last night and woke with an unexplained headache and a leg that was asleep, maybe these can be blamed on the LHC’s side effects from halfway around the world.

Will this thing find a way to run all of Europe for a week off a teaspoon of dark matter? Will a snapshot of skidding protons eerily resemble the face of Jesus? The more likely outcome will be a few years from now when the physics community has wrung out as many dollars as it could from the holders of the purse strings, and after whatever newly discovered weird subatomic thingies have been cleverly named after their discoverers, an alternative use will be clamored for.

So what do you do with a 17 mile underground tube? The most obvious answer is some sort of futuristic racetrack. One problem with this is where do you put the spectators. A more interesting idea is to put them in the tube themselves, make them part of the action. You thought watching ultimate fighting got your adrenaline pumping? Try dodging superbikes doing two hundred past you inside a deafening 12 foot concrete tunnel. Just stick to the inside and don’t move too suddenly and you should be OK.

Some worrywarts have said that when the thing spins up to a full head of steam and hosts its first subatomic fender bender, there is a slight chance a black hole will be generated, swallowing the Earth, her moon and any itinerant comets unlucky enough to be passing by into oblivion. Though the scale of this event may have grown in the retelling, like the massive catfish General Sherman that Homer nearly landed, it’s at least a possibility. Once again the chance is slight, there’s no need to strip nude and don a placard announcing the proximity of the end just yet. Plus Hawking is rumored to have a cash bet against it, so I’m not sweating. Talk about a win-win for the Doctor, his bookie will be interstellar ashes if the time ever comes to collect. But if you think that this is indeed the end, cash out now and have a good time with my blessing. I hear old man Potter is paying fifty cents on the dollar across town.

Or maybe this has happened before. Maybe the last Big Bang was the result of a previous collider experiment gone slightly wrong. Or quite successfully depending on your viewpoint. Somewhere along the line a designer forgets to carry the one, or a couple fairly important wires get crossed. Before you know it God is looking down from his watch shop, shaking his head as the whole show starts up again. Who does he swear to I wonder?

It was revealed someone stashed a couple of beer bottles inside the guts of the great thing, perhaps in a futile effort to ward off planetary disaster. The brand’s motto claims it will "refresh the parts other beers cannot reach". I swear it’s true. Ironically there is an actual phenomenon in physics known as Beer’s Law which describes the absorption of light in a given medium. For example shining your maglight into a fishtank will have a measurably different effect than doing so into a fishtank full of raspberry Jello. There will be a measurably different effect on the efficiency of your guppies’ gills as well, but that lies in an entirely different field of science to be discussed another day.

Let's raise a glass to science and hope she's kind to us this time.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Costume that Really Tied the Room Together

We at the Bunker wish to apologize for having succumb to the lure of politically motivated posts these past days, a genre we swore at our founding we would not slip into. But tis the season, and I venture even Old Saint Nick might face a roasting in his high season. Our aim here is not a standard, sober analysis of the news, we've heard there are a few places already offering this. This publication is more aimed for the audience looking to creatively kill a few minutes with their laptop on the crapper. That would naturally be the reader on the crapper, not the laptop. The concept would be simpler to convey with the aid of a graphic, alas our meager budget still prohibits a full-time illustrator. We also regret that the Bunker is not available in print form, to serve the role of surrogate in the event your bathroom roll runs out. If you're in such a position right now, we can only assume you are now considering an awkward duck-walk to the kitchen, sans pants, in search of some napkins. We'll wait.

Anyway, to make it up to our more conservative-minded readers or those weary of the past two weeks of national over-seriousness, here is an adventure. A tale, taller than most in these parts. It is a tale of clandestine construction, of drinking, of bowling, of mischief. In any event I hope you enjoy it.

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the LebowskiFest phenomenon. That celebration of all that is Jeffrey Lebowski, better known to Achievers the world over as The Dude. If you're not so versed no fear, it is my job to kick you up to speed. It is, in a breath, a bunch of free-wheeling folks getting together to dress in costume, furiously quaff White Russians, bowl poorly, and watch the Greatest Movie Ever. My breaths are long. As each year's gathering grows in size and manic devotion, the costumes mimic the progression, with attendees struggling valiantly to don not just the most artfully done garb, but the most impressively obscure.

At first such obscurity came easily, to be bestowed on the first person with the wherewithal to dress as a red spandex-wrapped nihilist wielding a giant pair of scissors (from the 10-second nightmare montage of the Dude's). Now you can probably find such ilk on a string of Christmas lights at Spenser's novelties. After a few seasons kudos might have been granted to a Liam-clad guest (Jesus' bowling partner). But as the cruel whims of ironic fashion dictate, the landscape was soon to be littered with discarded Liam bowling shirts, with the extra-extra-extra-larges turning up at the garage sales of hipsters from Knoxville to Albuquerque. As with other avenues of irony, the path to obscure (and thus cool) supremacy demands navigating an ever-narrowing array of fashion choices. Fortunately this is a film with oodles of supporting and minor (let me stress that word) characters.

After a night of soul-searching and head-slapping I arrived at the ultimate costume idea. One that had probably* never been done before, the Holy Grail of Dudeian cosplay. The hedge of probably was required, there being no known officiating organization to be in a position to confirm or, uh, disconfirm my suspicion. The fact that there were obvious logistical reasons it had probably never been done before was one I tossed aside, kicked at, and spat upon. I would present myself as one Arthur Digby Sellers, retired writer of 156 episodes of Branded (the bulk of the series). As fans will recall, Mr. Sellers had no lines in the film, he didn't even move. These are common side-effects of being in an iron lung.

Construction of the lung began in earnest. As the thing would need to be mobile, iron was soon ruled out as the primary building material. Cardboard painted silver might do, but it would have looked a bit too junior-high science project for my liking. After some searching I found a stack of 50 gallon plastic drums behind a food packaging warehouse out by the railroad. They still smelled strongly of their previous contents. I would have spent some time looking for ones that had shipped something like honey or licorice, but as I was poking through them, an angry bald man started shouting from a loading dock. There was a clear impression my presence was not welcome. Ten seconds later, my pickup, two white barrels, and yours truly were bouncing over the tracks bound for the workshop. I ended up with one still smeared with vegetable oil and another crusted in something resembling cream of mushroom soup. A hot afternoon of scrubbing with Mr Clean rid them of the visual remains, but the smell of each never really faded.

Before gluing the barrels together I fired up the Skil saw and whacked the ends off, creating something resembling the world's biggest Pringles tube. I cut a hole on the right side for my bowling arm, though I wasn't certain how that bit of acrobatics would play out. The base of the creation came from an old Piggly Wiggly shopping cart I had tired of seeing in a shallow canal near my house each day. On a Saturday I managed, with a few strategic swings of a homemade grappling hook, to raise it from its watery grave. Afterward it was awkwardly ridden home. The belly of my shirt was stained beyond use from the sludge on the handle. Fortunately the thing had landed upside down when the kids abandoned it, sparing the wheels the full brunt of rust they would have endured after years spent fossilizing in the muck. A few blasts of WD40 brought them back to life. The cart was removed from the frame and wheels with the aid of a sawzall, then I bolted the barrel fuselage to the wheeled base. As my head would need to stick out, I added a small platform of plywood, which I covered with an inch of foam rubber. The inside of the barrels was also given a generous helping of cushion. I then coated the whole shebang in spray primer, followed by a lustrous silver. It looked like the tin man's tomb. Then I glued on some various tubes, buttons and medically necessary looking stuff.

To complete the project, the ends were fitted with removable rubber diaphragms, the bottom one with two holes (for the feet) and the top with one (head). It would be impossible to get into on my own, a second pair of hands would be needed to encase me in my tomb.
When the day of the festival rolled around, I tied the beautiful contraption down in the bed of the pickup and picked up my friend, bound for the lanes and history. We secretly unloaded in the back of the parking lot for maximum effect. In a few minutes I was strapped in. More cushioning would have been worth the effort. When I was wheeled into the festivities, you'd think MacArthur had just returned.

The hearty applause, marriage proposals and general wave of approval that followed made the late nights of drunken effort more than worth it. Half the attendants ended up using my lung as a coaster. More than one cigarette was absentmindedly left to burn on the control panel-turned-ashtray, scarring and pitting the silvered plastic shell. This I didn't mind, as I had to rely on my fellow revelers for movement, bar purchases, and ball retrieval. A one gallon Stadium-pal strapped to my nether regions (Google if necessary) provided ample capacity for a full night's merrymaking. Enough wiggle room was engineered in so I would be able to turn my head to sip Caucasians from a twisty straw, as well as hold a bowling ball in my palm. As a full-fledged swing of said ball would have been impossible from within the constraints, the roller assembly used for young children and the hideously disabled was wheeled out. Basically my frames consisted of nudging the assembly imperceptibly to the left or right before rolling the 8 pounder down the tracks to the patiently waiting pins. It was a spectacle that drew roars of approving laughter from the crowd. And a fair score on my part- 158, a personal feat not bested since bowling at a kid's birthday party with the rails up.

Somewhere along the line, the wise idea that I should be a mode of transport was floated. This soon led to my being used to ferry girls around, like a parade float. This I did not mind one tiny bit. I wasn't crazy about the races out in the parking lot soon to follow, but as the whole thing had been my idea I can hardly complain. After a few laps around the light poles, one of the participants slipped and hurled me headlong into a parked Miata, tearing off a mirror. The sight of the dangling wires and busted glass caused the cheering crowd to disappear like a street ball team after a window had been shattered, leaving me to drunkenly plea to the heavens to “get me outta this thing!”. After a few minutes passed and no Miata owner came forward to air a grievance, some participants trickled out to help me back inside. They were all apologetic for so cowardly hanging me out to dry, and needless to say my money was no good the rest of the evening.

By then I was done with the contraption, as an inexplicable claustrophobia was beginning to set in. Plus I think the Stadium-pal may have gotten torn in the antics outside and things were threatening to get messy soon. I was helped out by more hands than were probably necessary, with everyone as eager to participate in my photographed extraction as the Marines raising the flag over Suribachi. More than once I was asked why I smelled like soup.

The prize for best costume was a plaque, along with a bowling ball with the face of the Dude beaming. The plaque hangs proudly in the den, where it generates more pride than any diploma ever could. The ball is packed away somewhere, I use it once in a while when I really want to impress the natives.

And what of the iron lung? We all agreed it was a shame, but no one had the room or desire to actually keep the thing. It was about to be abandoned behind the bowling alley dumpster when some genius had the idea of giving it an explosive funeral. Sometime before dawn it was taken down to the tracks by myself and a hardened core of soused pranksters. After the coast was checked, it was pushed, pulled and finagled onto the tracks just as the whistle of a northbound freight could be heard far off in the pre-dawn stillness. As we waited at the tree line trying not to piss ourselves with laughter, a cruiser was spotted coming toward us from the other side of the tracks. But the officer had other business that night and pulling a huey, leaving us to watch the fireworks. Mischievous overlarge children drooling with excitement, we watched in awe as the twin engine Conrail slammed into the lung at more than fifty, kicking it skyward into the woods like a steel toed boot on a can of Campbell's.

As far as I know, it's still there. Reeking of soup and spilled High Life. A large part of me hopes that it might be right now, providing basic shelter for an underachiever. The bums of the world may have lost, but damned if they don't know how to have a good time.

At least that's what I seem to recall. Though now that I think about it, the whole damned story might well have been nothing but a dream.

*Later investigation would prove this theory wrong

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Harper Valley USA!

NEWSFLASH! For those of you who might have felt uncomfortable with Sarah Palin's utter lack of experience in being a half term governor of the third least populous state and the martinet mayor of a town the size of a pair of high schools, take heart. It's been recently revealed by Cindy McCain that Mrs. Palin also possesses skills at basketball, fishing, hockey mom-ery, pistol-packing, and moose hunting. These vital skills are certain to aid her in dealing with just about any future Presidential crisis my mind can conceive of. If you've ever stared down a moose from the relative danger of a mere two hundred yards through a twenty power scope, or cheered your son as he makes that winning goal, you're more than ready to handle a Fed bailout, border incursion in the Caucuses, or terrorist attack. Doubters may now breathe easy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Devil Reportedly Satisfied with McCain Deal

ST PAUL- A beaming Satan told reporters over the weekend how happy he was with his recent deal with Arizona Senator and presumptive Republican Presidential nominee John McCain.

On Friday, the world learned of Senator McCain's pick for running mate, conservative Alaska governor Sarah Palin. The Prince of Darkness concedes he not only knew of the deal weeks earlier, but that he himself had a hand in its forging.

“I met John outside a cocktail party in Savanna, Georgia one evening” told the evil one. “I recall he was restless and anxious, but it was more than just the weight of the nomination. I've seen that look before. I asked him what was wrong and he lamented about his choice.”

For weeks speculation over McCain's choice in running mate had been the subject of intensifying public and private debate, with the Senator coming under pressure from a range of special interest groups as well as his own advisers.

Over the course of a few drinks overlooking the resplendent garden of an RNC supporter, the Devil knew he had not only captured John's rapt attention, but that his soul was not far behind.

“'My friend,' Johnnie asked me 'where can I go to find someone my base will approve of, someone with strong pro-life credibility, an undying love of guns?'”

“'Maybe even someone die-hard Hillary supporters can use as an excuse?' I added to his delighted agreement.” He told me he had searched 'the very wilds of this land' from each of her great coasts, and was prepared to do just about anything to find him.”

“'Or her' I teased, removing my favorite black pen from its black case in my black jacket pocket” he went on. “It's the same one I acquired Michael Phelps with.”

At first McCain balked at the offer, said Old Scratch. But few in the Senator's unenviable position could withstand the honey-dipped tongue of Mephistopheles in full blossom, while enjoying Johnny Walker Blue from a beautiful veranda pungent with the fragrances of orange, jasmine and just the slightest hint of sulfur. "The setting was perfect for the seduction of a soul", likely not an accident given the Dark One's penchant for details. Noting the weakness in McCain's eyes, the Great Tempter went in for the kill, hinting that Obama's first act would be to lower the national speed limit. Then he dug out the keys to his Corvette and pretended to walk away, leaving John to “mull things over”.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Lucifer told how John stopped him, then bravely puffed up his chest, closed his watering eyes and said to himself “For my country”, before taking the doomed pen in hand and inscribing his name in gold upon the lambskin scroll. John bravely didn't flinch as his finger was pricked to seal the deal in his own blood.

Beelzebub then took his new servant's hand in his and the two flew off into the night, heading northwest through the mist toward the great Klondike and beyond.

“And the real beauty of the whole thing?” the dark one laughed, “I'll only need to wait another year to collect.” Quickly realizing his faux pas, the Devil soberly apologized for the revelation and asked those in attendance to “please not tell John.”

So satisfied was the fallen angel with the transaction, he threw in the guitar lessons for free.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Generate Random Lies About Obama!

The Snowed in Bunker has savagely pointed its (middle) finger at another perennial industry: online political hoax creation. With the litany of worn out, downright lame lies about Barack Obama still limping their way along the Internet, I deemed it was time to invent some fresh ones. Ten hours of labor and half a bottle of scotch later, this was born. Enjoy all the fun of muckraking, but without the questionable aftertaste.

Check it out today at!. Or maybe you just came here from there, in which case you'd better not unless you want to just keep linking in circles and risk dizziness.

Friday, August 22, 2008

That Old Whack Magic

I write today about something first and foremost on most of our minds today. I'm talking of course, about the scourge of witchcraft. Black magic. Good old, traditional mumbo jumbo superstition.

Now I'm not calling for a witch hunt, mind you. Lord knows Africa is already boiling over with enough bloody accusations of women and children being in league with the night. The stuff going on over there would make a 17th century Salem clergyman roll his eyes. This is more along the lines of institutionalized superstition, the kind readily accepted by every Tomuko, Dicka, and Harrito in the village. My beef lies with the guy you'd occasionally buy a good luck monkey's paw from, not the poor fool a mob stones to death because they think he cursed their cabbage patch. These are the cretins stripping the forests of wing and claw so some qat-chewing yahoo with an AK can wear a charm he's told stops bullets (As such promises usually only offer money back to the original purchaser, refund rates are kept low). This is a growth industry you won't find in the annual Forbes guide.

Much of the basis for this weirdness springs from the well worn mantra that you are what you eat. By this token, since a rhino mates for two hours, it only makes sense that chewing on a hunk of its rotting horn can unleash two hours of sheet slapping. A few bites of tiger gives you, um, a powerful roar and an uncanny ability to sniff out prey. Trump swears by the stuff. Actually it's hawked to cure everything from acne to laziness. I couldn't make this stuff up, even though I've been known on occasion to do just that*. From time immemorial, the town medicine man has been pulling this rabbit from his feathered hat. Shortly before turning it into four keychains.

By and large the biggest culprit in this nutty market is China. Ah, those ever-flaccid Chinese mystics. Just name an endangered species and you can be damn sure some 70 year old Chinaman believes the ground up powder of it's pubic bone will give him heroic wood. Setting aside the mystery of why on God's green Earth a 70 year old Chinaman would need wood, this strange phenomenon brings up a pressing question. Undoubtedly Viagra, apart from actually performing, commands just one hundredth the coin of Bengal Tiger scrotum. So why hang onto such antiquated shamanic fairy tales? Is it a reverence for ancient traditions, no matter how hair-brained? What is the fascination with maintaining every ritualistic act ever to the grace this planet? Because their great grandparents did it. Strangely enough many of the same superstitious masses have gladly moved on from great granddad's bathroom practices of wiping with oak leaves. Can we do something about getting some free pill samples distributed to save a species or three?

I have a friend who tells me that the world will end on December 21, 2012. He doesn't have a particular gift for specifics, that's merely the end of the Mayan calendar. So he (and a surprising number of otherwise intelligent folk) is saving the date for his End Times party. All based on the prophetic scrawlings of a civilization that's not only been MIA for the past 12 centuries, but also held the belief that tearing a toddler's heart from its chest every few moons made the maize crop that much sweeter. Don't get me wrong, I fully plan on attending. Its a party where half the people think the world will end and the other half figure the host won't mind if something gets broken or stolen. Should be a good time. Regrettably no word on the exact hour of the Apocalypto. Nothing worse than spending the last few hours of Earth's history in the can because you were caught doing 120 in a stolen convertible loaded with underage prostitutes. These things must be timed perfectly.

Not to state the obvious, it may have been tried, but has anyone ever flipped their calendar over? Maybe there's a little stone carved with ordering instructions for getting the new one. Like you'd find on the December 1st page of Far Side one-a-days. Or is it possible they were just plain wrong, and that their timetable is due no more reverence than the faded beliefs of leeching or not swimming half an hour after lunch? My HMO hasn't covered leechings in years, at least out of network.

It's high time the witch doctors of the world (and their customers without whom none of this grand slaughter is possible) were loaded into pickups bound for reeducation camps. There they'd be taught the basics ranging from Codeine to the modern, clinically proven methods to enable you to drive nails with your engorged Johnson. Of course it's not just the medicinal skills that need a retread. Rather than place jinxes on the village misfit with pins in a rag doll and some chicken's blood, they would be taught how to start a slanderous email chain about them. We're talking about basic, marketable skills here. I understand they're looking after job security like the rest of us, but when every albino in Tanzania is afraid to stroll to market for fear his ears will end up in some sorcerer's stew pot, its time for a new job assistance program. Guess they're striving to maintain the “Dark Continent” brand.

* I had a hard time keeping a straight face the other day when someone asked where I'd heard Chinese Olympians were bound for assembly lines once they lost. Sounds like something that could happen though doesn't it? How about this for a system- if a post looks like a news article, there's a solid chance I'm mostly full of shit. Just mostly.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Take This Job and Love It

The first batch of losing Chinese athletes are due to be reassigned to various manufacturing posts beginning Friday.

According to Yang Xu of the Chinese Olympic Federation, most of the positions are low-level, usually within the textile or household goods industries scattered throughout Guangdong province. Traditionally an exception is made for those fortunate enough to at least muster a bronze in their events. These can often expect to enjoy at least a third-shift line supervisor’s position along one of the sweat-soaked assemblies.

Failed swimmer Jian Jou told the Xinhua News Agency her new job sewing zippers onto doll outfits is more than she deserves, “for so humiliating my family and my nation.” At her new wage of three dollars a day, it will take Ms. Jou a long time to repay her nation’s generosity for twelve years of intensive, if fruitless training.

To some the fourteen hour shifts may come as a welcome relief from the rigorous training schedules to which they’ve become accustomed. After being taken from their families at an average age of five, Olympic hopefuls are put through daily regimens that would make most people weep for mercy. “I hear you get Sundays off” beamed 7th place sprinter Yao Zhoung, bound for a pesticides factory. “I don’t know what I’ll do with myself all day.”

A large banner reading “Welcome Olympians to Your New Future” hung overhead at the Dongguan poultry processing factory, where a number of poorly performing athletes were soon expected.

Mr. Xu scoffed at the notion that such assignments were of a punitive nature. “There is nothing more glorious than participating in the advancement of our great State” he said. “Except of course, winning their contests as they had been instructed.”

By the end of next week, hundreds of former athletes are expected to be laboring in an array of menial, yet necessary tasks ranging from chemical mixer to quality control on new Michael Phelps apparel.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Now Hear This

We at the management of the Snowed in Bunker are aware of the ever-increasing pressures to modernize our operations and have responded in kind. At first our editor recommended a switch to soy-based inks or "something to do with our ROI". Our editor watches a lot of those IBM business commercials but doesn't quite understand them.

Instead we here in the copy room are pleased to announce the appearance of a new, bright green Technorati link, which we hope will burgeon our meager readership into some we can't count on a single, non birth-defective hand. We also now feature an RSS Feed, for her pleasure. Avoid embarrassment at your next cocktail party by not missing the latest screed from the Bunker!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

China Puts on its Sunday Best

Watching the great Red unfurling last night made the past months and years of dreary Chinaphobic news melt away. It was impossible to look away from, the most stellar piece of monumental theater all but the deepest of cynics would admit to witnessing. This is what a few billion buys you these days. Plus they probably know a couple really good guys for fireworks.

I even watched the athletes march in, that never-ending segment usually signaling it's time to fix dinner or go out and change the oil. Too much was happening for a traditional narrative. Rather than compose that segment into a theme, because what theme is there but young overachievers carrying their flags into a stadium and walking in circles, here is instead my stream of consciousness. Pardon me while we shift literary gears for a moment, with apologies asked if it comes off as an incomprehensible Burrows-ian brain dump. This is what results when you forgo an edit:

Did they have to make Paraguay look like such bean farmers? Ah, traditional Chinese bagpipes in the background. Did the four Palestinians make you feel sad? Did you laugh when the John McCain commercial came on? George and Laura both checked their watches around the same time. Dubya's a real toe tapper. Halfway through if you Tivo-ed. When Iraq came by he clapped, yet looked like some guy with a belly overfull on steak and PBR. Just observing, not judging. I'm sure my Lazyboy is cushier than his bleacher. Plus there are no cameras to capture my occasional nose pick, so who's got the better seat now? Karzai's black bodyguard clearly dozing at his side, sleeping a sleep he hasn't enjoyed since signing on. Let him dream in a tranquility only 10,000 officers can provide. Sucks to be Chad or Luxembourg, settling for a quick recap after the commercials. Let's hope some of their kids get the competition over early, allowing them a week to try nailing the gymnasts already out of the running for bronze. Maybe one of those sweet Croatian chicks. And let's hope some dude from Gabon medals to win that promised dream house. Everyone walking through paint to create a footprint. Clever bastards. The UAE prime minister's daughters being the first female entrants a coincidence? That Bob Costas sure can hold his tongue, but you know he thought it was baloney too. Half the countries entered the Small World Thunderdome now. Twenty to go before the Star Spangled boys. Dubya check, he's looking ready to haul ass, leaning in with program firmly rolled in hand. You can almost hear him praying, “Screw this no alphabet in Chinese bull, when does USA come on so I can hit the head?” NBC not happy with Hugo Chavez apparently. Or the Ruskies. I was worried they wouldn't hold their hosts' feet to the flames, when they actually did talk politics I was surprisingly annoyed. Or at least felt I was being proselytized to. Looks like only Kazakhstan's mother still buys their clothes. Georgie's jacket is back on for the home team. Team USA arrives looking fresh from the yaught club. China has no time zones? Right now Mugabe is watching this from some smoke-filled Hong Kong airport bar swearing to himself. Fuck him. Good for you, Red Dragon. Nice to see them finally developing some standards. The longest Olympic wrestling match dragged on for 11 hours? Imagine making that into a film. “Come on Roc, let's get you a quick burger and a crap before the next round!” Two chunky yet cheerful female lifters in a row. Kinky. That Botswana girl was under some sort of trance à la Serpent and the Rainbow. Did I miss Jamaica dammit? Here comes the home team. What's with the holdup in the hallway, did someone chain themselves to a railing and the cameras panned away? You'll never know my friend. Let's all cry as we recall the story of the 11 year old earthquake hero. Great kid, but the commentators wanted to take that little twerp home in a silk bag for their wives. Enough of him already. Sap sells in any nation I guess. The teams mingling and whooping it up now. What a night for them. I can picture them enjoying breakfast in the communal lunch room, scolding "no politics!" to a noisy conversation and light-heartedly hurling a handful of dry Wheaties in jest. Thirty years from now, a Gabonese boy will ask “Grandpapa why do you save those old shoes with the paint on the bottom?” And the well preserved old man will laugh wistfully as he sits to tell him the story of his life.

Enough of that, it's as exhausting for the reader as it is the writer.

As an American those ceremonies scared me. Down to my bones. You already knew they had our jobs and could whip up a cheap pair of Pumas. They own our T-bills and now they've even seemingly got Hollywood licked, Spielberg or no. Is this what it looks like to see a superpower torch passed? Too early to say. But this is what they can do now, watch out.

The show did its best to support the Party view- Hey there's been upheaval here for a millenium or so, don't mind us if we need to disappear a few rabble rousers to a dark hole now and then. Look at our end product! This is the future of authoritarianism. Drink the Kool-Aid. The affair makes you so mesmerized you half don't care about the bad if this is the taste of its fruit. No accident I'm sure. Granted Taiwan had a flag agreed on by the Politburo, but the hypnotic aura designed to sooth and calm, that theirs would be a peaceful ascension if there were such a thing, could touch even the likes of Ted Nugent. Or at least elicit a “helluva show, considering..” This sounds like the nicest thing he'd be capable of saying.

My only beef came in the form of ever-present chatter from the NBC booth goons. There is an unwritten policy in effect at the National Broadcast Co. that at least two out of every five seconds must be packed with inane aural spoon feeding, lest your simple eyes and ears be distracted from the Billion dollar high def miracle before you. Are all other nation's Olympic VJ's so inclined to point out the number of laborers that hammered the steel for one of those Olympic rings? If only we could get a international visitor to pipe up on this one. I hear this Internet thing goes on all the way to deepest corners of the dark continent. Did Lauer and pals actually need to tell us “...and if you listen now you can hear her singing”? No, I can't hear. Somebody please tell them this is not Niners at Kansas City. There must be some concerted effort by the networks to dumb us down. Probably makes it easier to hawk sedans and antacids each night.

Setting aside that one whining complaint, the rest went spectacularly. The human powered jack-in-the-boxes, dancers on the surface of spinning planets, a zero gravity torch chase overhead, mind blowers all. The show's themes of Harmony and Promise did their jobs well. I know they're still building another ten jillion coal fired boilers but didn't you think, at least for a moment, that things could change after that? Slick marketing. Here's a toast to there being some substance behind that promise and that it wasn't nothing more than a 3 hour communal drug trip. We could all use it.

We here at the bunker were of mixed thoughts before this show. For a year I'd halfway hoped some madman in a parachute with the flag of Tibet stitched on his ass would land on someone's box seats. Stir up the system a bit. But after seeing this hopeful reminder of humanity, I can't help but feel more a world citizen. Yes gas is through the roof and you can't drive a mile without spying a neighbor's furniture dumped on the lawn by the sheriff when the bank came calling, but at least someone appears to be doing well. Several coats of bitter nationalism lay in pieces at my feet. Dear God, I must have been drinking scotch watching NBC late at night. That explains it. I'll likely forget it all by morning.