Thursday, November 13, 2008

Operator Less Than Thrilled

WICHITA- American Express call center operator Sally Jamison was less than thrilled today to help resolve a billing issue for a cardholder returning from a three week vacation in the south of France. Coworkers report Ms. Jamison aged 20, expressed a sub-stellar attitude when verbally abused by a valued customer who discovered an erroneous extra charge on his statement. For some reason Ms. Jamison, was heard to sigh audibly when confirming that the duplicate $5.00 foreign transaction fee on Mr. Lambright’s American Express Black statement occurred on the 13th as a result of his purchase of six iPhones for each of his family members prior to their hot air balloon tour of the southern Alps.

Jamison went on to defend her English speaking skills to the client, choosing not to reveal she had run out of sick days for the year, and had to work in spite of being unable to hear from her left ear or speak for thirty seconds without a need to violently discharge phlegm. Ms. Jamison refrained from boring the patient cardholder with the fact that her illness was most likely the result of waiting for the bus in the rain, as the engine in her 1984 Corolla had recently spun a bearing. After erasing the fee and apologizing, Ms. Jamison was scarcely able to muster any excitement in reminding Mr. Lambright that he had accrued enough points for his choice of a 5-day Caribbean cruise or a jet ski.

Shortly after being hung up on, Ms. Jamison found little solace in the discovery that her Hot Pocket had been stolen from the break room freezer again.

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