Monday, August 11, 2008

Now Hear This

We at the management of the Snowed in Bunker are aware of the ever-increasing pressures to modernize our operations and have responded in kind. At first our editor recommended a switch to soy-based inks or "something to do with our ROI". Our editor watches a lot of those IBM business commercials but doesn't quite understand them.

Instead we here in the copy room are pleased to announce the appearance of a new, bright green Technorati link, which we hope will burgeon our meager readership into some we can't count on a single, non birth-defective hand. We also now feature an RSS Feed, for her pleasure. Avoid embarrassment at your next cocktail party by not missing the latest screed from the Bunker!

1 comment:

  1. Please have Saturn V explain clearly and slowly what this mean. In Lay-persons terms.
    I would be happy to participate and reap the benefits but I don't know what technorati is or RSS.
