Amid the celebrations and cries of relief resounding across America Tuesday night, the mood of two of its hardest working groups was more somber. Comedians and Repo-men have crossed the blue/white collar divide to band together, giving each other solace as they lament the rejection of the McCain/Palin ticket.
Comedians from John Stewart down to lowly, wannabe comedy bloggers are coming to grips with the fact that the next four years will be distinctly harder to poke fun at. “She was a gold mine, I had plans to put in a pool” says Archie White, a writer for Comedy Central. “We were gonna give it a Palin theme, with an Elitists Only end and a Real Americans Only end. So many opportunities lost forever. We had reams of material ready, enough to last us past Christmas at least.”
The loss of such guaranteed job security was echoed by Rodney Page, owner/proprietor of Page Auto Recovery in San Bernardino. “You might say I'm one of them, 'by-your-own-bootstraps' kind of fellas. People should be left to barely survive or utterly fail on their own. It's a system that's been workin' for me” said a smiling Page, gesturing to his new SuperDuty tow truck with dual DVD players and custom rims.
Page said he is considering expanding into home foreclosures or dog-catching to supplement his income should economic conditions improve too much. “People will always have it tough, least I hope so.”
Yeah, I have been watching The View for the last 5 weeks. They have had their highest ratings in 12 years because there has been so much good SP material. Like I said, when SP came onto the scene Tina Fey must of had a God Moment. Finally knowing her purpose in life.