Charlie Brown, his owner of many years, found the soft-core dog based magazines Thursday behind a set of the dog's golf clubs. The entire Brown family was present when the illicit discovery was made. “Snoopy must have forgotten this was the day we were fixing his house. Boy was his face red.”
Playbeagle's cover hails itself as “Premiere Entertainment for the discerning male dog”. Despite Snoopy's argument that he had forgotten about the collection, an issue as recent as September 2008 topped the stack, featuring Paris Hilton's chihuahua in a revealing pose. “It was disgusting” Brown said of the cover, which depicted the immaculately groomed puppy licking her own privates.
Snoopy defended his love of the publication for its articles and interviews. The September issue featured Brian from Family Guy mixing his favorite cocktails and a photo expose of “Hollywood's Best Bitchez!”.
“Yeah, real deep stuff” Brown said. “Explaining them to Sally was a bit awkward” he added, referring to his younger sister. “She kept asking why the little doggies were all sticking their bums up.”
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