Monday, December 29, 2008

Bye Bye Bush Bash!

For family, friends and tolerably behaved friends of said within driving distance of St. Petersburg, mark your calendars for the evening of January 24th. It's the first Saturday after the Inauguration, because who has a party on a Tuesday?

Enjoy a hand-mixed libation or two. Wolf down moderately tasty hors d'oeuvres, then throw them up on the trampoline. Or try your luck at the shoe toss and maybe win a prize.* And yes, the disco ball should be operational. Fireworks to chase off late nighters and faint of heart.

Don't anger the Tiki Gods! Be there. Starting at 6pm. Contact Eric for directions, advice or whatnot.

* Disclaimer- prizes may be limited to more hors d'oeuvres.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Huh? Did McCain lose? So... let's get a bunch of right and left wingers, get everyone drunk, and enjoy the fun and merriment that ensues.

  3. Thus the 'tolerably behaved' clause. Security will be standing by should the need arise, in the form of Mr Smith and Mr Wesson.
